Federal Sponsor Guidance

National Institutes of Health

NIH COVID-19 Information and Updates

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Information for NIH Applicants and Recipients of NIH Funding.

NIH COVID-19 Extramural Response

National Science Foundation

NSF COVID-19 Information and Updates

FAQs relating to NSF’s implementation of OMB M-20-26 for NSF proposers and awardees.

NSF M-20-26 FAQs

NSF implementation of updated guidance authorized by OMB Memorandum M-20-26 for recipients affected by COVID-19.

NSF Implementation of OMB M-20-26

NSF guidance, FAQ’s, and information related to COVID-19 research.

NSF Coronavirus Information

NSF implementation of OMB M-20-20: “Repurposing existing federal financial assistance programs and awards to support the emergency response to the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)”

NSF Implementation of OMB M-20-20

Department of Defense

DOD COVID-19 Information

DOD FAQ’s for research proposers and awardees impacted by COVID-19.


DOD terms and conditions for COVID-19 waivers.

DOD COVID-19 Waivers

U.S. Army Research Laboratories

COVID-19 FAQs for Grant Applicants and Recipients

USAMRAA’s supplemental guidance on administrative flexibilities for grants and cooperative agreements in response to COVID-19 pandemic.

USAMRAA's Supplemental Guidance

Air Force Research Laboratories

Air Force Office of Scientific Research guidance for COVID-19 no cost extensions.

Air Force Office of Scientific Research Memorandum for all Grantees

Department of Justice

Office of Justice Programs

Updated guidance on short term administrative relief for grantees impacted by COVID-19

Updated Department of Justice Guidance

Guidance to award recipients impacted by COVID-19: short term relief for various administrative, financial management, and audit requirements

Department of Justice Guidance

National Endowment for the Humanities

NEH COVID-19 Information

FAQs: funding for NEH applicants and grantees impacted by the Coronavirus


Institute of Museum and Library Services

IMLS COVID-19 Information

Information for IMLS grant applicants and awardees.


Department of Health and Human Services

DHSS COVID-19 Information

HHS COVID-19 Updates

HHS memo on the preparation for potential COVID-19 impact on contract and contractor performance.

Department of Health and Human Services Memorandum